Thesis Chapter V


A.      Conclusion
After analyzing the data, it was found out that the students’ writing scores improved from the orientation test to the cycle II. The improvement was shown by the mean of students’ scores from the orientation test was 59.7, the cycle I was 73.8 and cycle II was 81.4. The percentage of the students who were competent in writing recount text was also improved, where in orientation test, there was only 20%, in cycle I 65% and in cycle II the percentage was improved to be 95%. The students were more enjoyable and active in learning writing by applying peer review technique. It was showed from their attitudes and responds while teaching learning process was conducted in two cycles.
From the data, it can be concluded that teaching recount text through peer review technique helps students to improve their achievement in writing recount text.

B.       Suggestion
The result of this study shows that the application of peer review technique improves the students’ achievement in writing recount text. These following suggestions are directed to:
1.      the English teachers may apply peer review technique as one of the alternatives of teaching technique in teaching writing to stimulate students’ interest and critical thinking in writing.
2.      the students should have more confidence in exploring their ability and ideas in writing that can improve their writing skill and quality.
3.      other researchers are suggested to carry out a more in-depth study on the application of peer review technique in other text types and may use the information of this research as a useful input in teaching learning process especially for teaching writing.


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